Introducting Organic Formula for HEPATITIS & LIVER ISSUES

Buy One  CFA16,000

Buy Two  CFA30,000

Buy Three  CFA44,000

Buy Four  CFA56,000

Suffering with any form of hepatitis or have anyone who is a victim of this ailment and is seeking immediate remedy? Discover how to fight Hepatitis no matter how long it has been.

Frequently engaging in habits like: drinking excessive alcohol, smoking, junk food or irregular eating pattern mostly at night, lack of exercise, intravenous drug abuse, drinking less water, engaging in unprotected Sex and experiencing symptoms like: fever, dark urine, jaundice (a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), abdominal pain, clay-colored stools, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, Joint pain, Fatigue.

Get our easy to make natural formular made from a unique blend of all-natural herbs, known for their liver-supportive properties. We believe in the power of nature to heal. This formula is backed by scientific research to ensure the best possible results. They’re carefully selected herbs renowned for their liver-boosting benefits.


Now is the right time to take the first step toward a healthier, happier liver. Join the countless individuals who have already experienced the benefits of Hepatitis Tea. Order Now and start a journey to better liver health with guaranteed satisfaction.